The 180 Pulse

With thought-provoking articles covering varied domains, 180DC SRCC aims to create student leaders through a holistic learning experience.

Read to take a deep dive into looking at world issues from the eyes of a consultant.


The Tree That Grows Money

The Tree That Grows Money

We have grown up listening to our well-wishers saying how money doesn’t grow on trees and therefore, we should spend our hard-earned money wisely. This is true in all respects except that there actually exists a mechanism which can exponentially increase the value of our money.

Dealing with one’s personal finance carefully is an essential ingredient to create an unencumbered adult life.
This involves several decision-making stages that nobody can ever run away from.

Check out Vrinda Gupta’s article to get acquainted with the process of sowing the seeds of this money-growing tree!

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Rainbow Capitalism: Pride or Greed

Rainbow Capitalism: Pride or Greed

Rainbow capitalism is the practice of companies using LGBTQ+ imagery and taglines as a means to boost profits. While some organisations may genuinely care for the community, others cash in on this opportunity to make profits.

As the clock strikes midnight, you can almost hear the sounds of disgruntled designers and PR managers who create a rainbow-coloured version of their company’s logo and products to attract the fabled ‘pink dollar’. Don’t let that rainbow wash out the truth.

This begs the question: Is support sincere, or is it only another kind of advertising? If there were no financial benefits, would they still carry out these campaigns?

Check out Aakriti Goel’s article on “Rainbow Capitalism- Pride or Greed” which delves deeper into the pitfalls of these issues.

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Inside Out: The Whistleblower’s Loyalty Tradeoff

Inside Out: The Whistleblower’s Loyalty Tradeoff

How do you feel about an employee “exposing” a company and letting out its “dirty secrets”? Pure wicked or arguable?

The concept of whistleblowing has started to gain recognition in India only in the recent past, and as it grew, bigger were the headlines. While some condemned the whistler, there were cases that shed light on the sheer harassment and ostracization they were faced with.

What decides whether something is valid or not? Is the situation particularly worse in India? What does the future look like?

Read on as Ishi Jain dissects this dilemma and explores the unsaid boundaries of bringing out the “inside”.

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Gross National Happiness – Substitute or Supplement?

Gross National Happiness – Substitute or Supplement?

A widely accepted measure of determining a country’s economic progress and standing is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, relying on such a measure, a measure that does not take into account the overall well-being of its citizens is a concept that is now considered to be skewed by many. With changing times, a new measure, Gross National Happiness (GNH) has been developed and is currently being used by Bhutan. Read on to better understand the significance of the two measures and how they could work together, if at all that’s possible.

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