by 180dcsrcc2 | Jan 29, 2023 | ANALYTICAL
Welcome to your Analytical Quiz 17 A fruit vendor buys 120 fruits for Rs 1200 and then he sells these fruits at Rs 180 per dozen. Find his profit or loss percentage. 25% profit 50% profit 25% loss 50% loss Pointing to a lady in the photograph, Aarti said, "Her...
by 180dcsrcc2 | Jan 29, 2023 | CONSULTING
Welcome to your Consulting Quiz 15 ‘Build,’ ‘Hold,’ ‘Harvest,’ and ‘Divest’ are the strategies pursued in? Boston Consulting Group Growth-Share Matrix ) Value chain Analysis Managerial Grid Matrix Ansoff’s Product Matrix Growth Matrix X ltd is a company whose goods...
by 180dcsrcc2 | Jan 27, 2023 | Revenue Models
by 180dcsrcc2 | Sep 2, 2022 | 180 Data Capsule
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by 180dcsrcc2 | Aug 19, 2022 | Blog-S&T
Elon Musk’s startup on Neuralink By Ojal Jain Would you allow someone to drill a hole in your skull to implant a product like the Neuralink, assuming it was safe and worked as advertised? How much benefit would you need from a device like this to justify the intrusion...
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