Game of Consultants
Our newest initiative yet, Game of Consultants, tests your consulting knowledge & analytical eye to the fullest. Attempt it and see how good you are! We add new ones every week
Pratyaksh : Annual Consulting Journal
Complexity Simplified
180 Degrees Consulting, SRCC proudly presents to you, Pratyaksh 2022, Delhi University’s first ever Annual Consulting Journal. A window into the world of consulting,
an amalgamation of thought and action, Pratyaksh stands on the fundamental pillars of innovation and professionalism.
We hope the first issue of Pratyaksh fosters a legacy of new ideas and the simplified complexities of consulting.
Frameworks Quiz 13
Are you a master at frameworks! Find out now.
Consulting Crossword #1
Take a journey through the technicalities, histories and legacies of the consulting industry through our weekly crossword!
Consulting Quiz 14
Try out this consulting quiz to challenge yourself!
Elon Musk’s startup on Neuralink
Brain-Computer Interface: is the world ready for it?
Would you allow someone to drill a hole in your skull to implant a product like the Neuralink, assuming it was safe and worked as advertised?
How much benefit would you need from a device like this to justify the intrusion into your nervous system?
We won’t know for sure until we have to make the decision, but it’s a good idea to start thinking about it now because that day is approaching soon.
Marketing and Behaviour : Data Capsule
Marketing techniques have evolved greatly in the modern era. Marketing is no longer limited to just the idea of advertising and branding products. It is about creating awareness about products in the mind of the consumer such that a particular product can resonate better.
Marketing activities nowadays are much more targeted and look to influence the potential customers which are more likely to buy the product. This customer targeting can be done using a number of different ways. One of the most common techniques used for this is the use of cognitive biases.
These biases exist in humans inherently and they can influence a consumer’s rational and his or her reasoning ability. For instance, an old adage in marketing strategy is that the more a product is visible, the higher is its ability to generate sales.