Game of Consultants

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A Social Revolution for the E-Commerce Industry

A Social Revolution for the E-Commerce Industry

For the past 5 decades, there has been a significant development and advancement in the way we make our purchases. The rise of internet and evolution of technology has given rise to the Ecommerce industry. In the recent years, we have made a leap into the future of retail with the emergence of the concept of “Social Commerce.” It has completely changed the way we conceive e-commerce to be and is now touted to be the future of shopping.
But what it Social commerce? How is it different from the existing E-Commerce? Why do we need it? How does it work? What is its progress in India? And what are its impact on the Indian economy?

To get answer to these questions, read the article “A Social Revolution for the E-Commerce Industry” by Rishabh Luthra of 180DC SRCC, where he guides you through the concept of social commerce and provides you the answer to the questions mentioned above.

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Virtual Fashion: To wear, or not to wear

Virtual Fashion: To wear, or not to wear

In a society recently ravaged by a pandemic, networking over the internet appears to be a routine chore. One may converse from the comfort of their own home using innovative programs such as the Metaverse. Digital clothing is something that enhances these encounters. Clothes no longer exist physically in this fashion-meets-digital scenario, instead, they are chosen from a virtual depiction created using 3D software and AR-based computer technology. But what is the future of this technology? Will its popularity fizz out?

Read out as Tanvi Vaidhyanathan delves deeper into the nuances of virtual fashion and provides with an interesting insight of this industry.

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Bounded Rationality in Decision Making

Bounded Rationality in Decision Making

When we think of all the decisions that we have to make daily, trying to make the optimal decision is often not possible. Our cognitive thinking abilities and self control across diverse activities are ‘bounded’ because of various limitations. The implications of these limitations range from having misconceptions about certain people in our lives to speculative bubbles in various asset classes.

What deviates our decisions from what is considered to be desirable or logical? How do we make the right decision and outsmart our cognitive biases?

Check out Ananya Taneja’s article on ‘Bounded Rationality in Decision Making’ that delves into these questions through the realm of Behavioural Economics.

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Carbon Trading: Policy Report

Carbon Trading: Policy Report

Originating from the Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Trading or Carbon Emission Trading is the process of buying and selling carbon credits or permits which allows the holder of these credits/permits to emit carbon dioxide up to the limit for which the credit is there. This type of system gives incentive to reduce emissions even if a few countries are not doing so. This is done with the aim to reduce carbon dioxide emission as the world tries to move towards a goal of net zero emission. Over the years, this policy has been widely adopted by countries across the world. In the Indian context, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency has been at the forefront of promoting this policy with its Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme.

180 Degrees Consulting, SRCC presents a comprehensive report on Carbon Trading, analysing its objectives, performance, reasons for the failure and recommendations to improve the same.

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