Game of Consultants

Our newest initiative yet, Game of Consultants, tests your consulting knowledge & analytical eye to the fullest. Attempt it and see how good you are! We add new ones every week




The US Trials With Voodoo Economics

The US Trials With Voodoo Economics

When the Trump administration in America neared its hundred-day mark, a day that Trump had spoken of triumphantly in his campaigns, there had to be some major achievement to present to the public. So, the Trump government planned a massive tax cut. Stephen Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary said that “the plan will pay for itself with growth.”

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Organisational Restructuring: an Ingredient to Survival

Organisational Restructuring: an Ingredient to Survival

From Fayol, father of modern management theory, organisation chart to network organisational structure, businesses and corporate entities have seen a huge transformation in the manner in which they define each employee’s job and direct the activities of the entity towards achieving its goals. The system that determines how certain activities should be orchestrated and how information should flow within the different levels of the company in order to accomplish the objectives of the company is called an organisational structure.

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