Game of Consultants

Our newest initiative yet, Game of Consultants, tests your consulting knowledge & analytical eye to the fullest. Attempt it and see how good you are! We add new ones every week




Correlation Between Intangible Investment & Productivity

Correlation Between Intangible Investment & Productivity

“Intangible assets” represents those assets which lack physical substance yet has the capacity to earn revenue for the organisation. The global events of 2020 proved that such intangibles are infact the ones having the potential to create economic benefits as they provide a competitive edge and are significant in creating a customer base.

But how does it affect the productivity of the employees? Check out the article by Shruti as it unfolds the correlation between intangible investment and productivity in an articulate manner.

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Olympic Economics

Olympic Economics

Olympics is a mega event for all across the globe, but especially for the country hosting the event. The relation between the Games and the economy of a nation has a special relation, that goes and impacts both ways: The games impact the economy and the economy impacts the performance in the games.

180 Degrees Consulting SRCC has delved deeper into the topic and prepared a research report covering the multi-faceted relationship between the Olympics and the Economy. The report also explores the impact hosting the Olympics has on the economy, the bidding process for hosting the Olympics, India’s performance in the Olympics as well as a critical analysis of India’s standing if it were to ever host the Olympics and what it stands to gain.

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