Game of Consultants

Our newest initiative yet, Game of Consultants, tests your consulting knowledge & analytical eye to the fullest. Attempt it and see how good you are! We add new ones every week




Drug Demand Reduction: Policy Report

Drug Demand Reduction: Policy Report

The National Action Plan on Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) is a policy framework designed to combat drug addiction in India. Launched in 2018, the plan focuses on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and social reintegration of drug addicts. It aims to build a strong institutional framework, enhance capacity building and awareness programs, promote research and innovation, and strengthen international cooperation.

While the NAPDDR has made progress in its implementation, challenges remain, including inadequate funding, limited resources, and a lack of coordination among stakeholders. Sustained political commitment, increased funding, and better coordination among stakeholders are necessary to achieve the objectives of the NAPDDR and reduce drug demand in India.

We believe that our report will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, stakeholders, and concerned citizens seeking to understand and address the complex issue of drug addiction in India. Learn more comprehensively about the policy , analysing its objectives, performance, reasons for the failure and recommendations to improve the same.

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Biofuel: Policy Report

Biofuel: Policy Report

India, being the third largest energy-consuming nation in the world, meets its energy
requirements mainly through oil whose large share continues to rely on imports. In order to rectify this the government of India introduced the National Biofuel Policy in 2009. The National Biofuel Policy aims at maximising the use of feedstock, biomass and agricultural waste for energy generation. A major element under NBP is the ethanol blended petroleum programme, Ethanol blended petrol minimises carbon emission and is also more energy efficient,

Over a period of 13 year National Biofuel Policy has undergone several amendments. Learn about how successful the policy has been in meeting the energy needs of the country and the road ahead in the comprehensive report by 180 Degrees Consulting, SRCC.

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The Tree That Grows Money

The Tree That Grows Money

We have grown up listening to our well-wishers saying how money doesn’t grow on trees and therefore, we should spend our hard-earned money wisely. This is true in all respects except that there actually exists a mechanism which can exponentially increase the value of our money.

Dealing with one’s personal finance carefully is an essential ingredient to create an unencumbered adult life.
This involves several decision-making stages that nobody can ever run away from.

Check out Vrinda Gupta’s article to get acquainted with the process of sowing the seeds of this money-growing tree!

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Understanding India’s Aromatic Future with the Purple Revolution

Understanding India’s Aromatic Future with the Purple Revolution

Were you aware that the cultivation of lavender has been instrumental in helping farmers in Jammu & Kashmir endure the COVID-19 pandemic? This emerging trend of lavender farming in India has been coined as the Purple Revolution.

The primary objective of the revolution is to maximize the natural resources of Jammu and Kashmir and enhance the cultivation of lavender. By providing education and training in lavender cultivation, this initiative has effectively transformed the lives of numerous farmers in Jammu and Kashmir.

To gain insight into the Purple Revolution and the aromatic future of India, check out our recent article, which delves deep into Understanding India’s Aromatic Future With The Purple Revolution.

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Cancel Culture: Accountability or Social Bullying?

Cancel Culture: Accountability or Social Bullying?

Calling out people on their unacceptable behaviour to seek accountability appears to be ethically right. For far too long, marginalized communities have been struggling to make their voices heard, and with the advent of the internet, people are finally able to express themselves and speak up against injustice. However, what first appeared to be a social change that gave the people more sovereignty over their speech has evolved into a culture and become a source of contention.

The question arises, should we continue to ostracize individuals in the name of calling out unacceptable behavior? Does cancel culture genuinely promote diverse voices, or does it stifle differing viewpoints? Is it a commendable practice or a form of censorship? Moreover, should brands be concerned about the potential impact of the culture of cancellation on their reputation and image?
Riya’s insightful article explores the complexities of this hotly debated topic. Check it out now! #CancelCulture #Accountability #SocialBullying #ThoughtProvokingRead”

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