DevOps: A Practice to Efficiency 

-By Aadi Jain


With the increase in the degree of globalisation and industrialisation, the use and relevance of DevOps are increasing daily. The place where efficiency and productivity matter a lot, DevOps is a go-to place. 

DevOps, Development and Operations is a set of practices and activities which ensures smooth development and operations activities of the organisation. With the adoption of DevOps, businesses are shifting from traditional to modern methods. In this article, we will explore the DevOps and its impact.


Many people need to learn what DevOps is and still consider it haphazard. DevOps is an agile development approach that helps connect the development and operations departments.  In the planning, development, delivery, and operations of applications, it unites people, processes, and technology. It is an organisational shift from distributed and separated departments to a cross-functional team working continuously on operation feature delivery.

DevOps is a cultural movement which integrates team collaboration, unity and belongingness in the team creating a negligible scope for miscommunication.

DevOps Methodology:

For every system to be efficient and properly channelled requires a proper life cycle. For the efficient and smooth functioning of DevOps, its methodology and process plays an important role. DevOps life cycle includes 7Cs which are continuous development, continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous deployment, and continuous monitoring. These steps conclude the life cycle of DevOps. In simpler terms, planning, coding, building, testing, releasing, deploying, operating and monitoring constitute the life cycle of DevOps.

DevOps begins with the continuous development of codes and software required for different processes followed by software testing at each development stage to ensure efficiency in its working. Eventually, the software developed is integrated into one single software followed by proper deployment of it in business operations and understanding their working in the target business environment. This life cycle ensures that all the activities are performed efficiently and result in the best possible outcome for the organisation.

Moreover, At a glance, it may look cumbersome but it is what makes DevOps, the pathway to success.

DevOps VS Traditional IT: 

The traditional Development process points out to the old-fashioned way of developing the software without proper testing and deployment process. Due to lack of transparency, developers are less efficient and work is more complicated with high scope of errors. Under the traditional way, teams work individually which lacks team coordination and team bonding which is essential to make a successful team. 

DevOps is contrastingly opposite to the Traditional way. It ensures transparency and productivity for employees. Cross Functioning teams result in better productivity and continuous deployment and testing mechanisms reduce the scope of errors. 

So why are so many organisations still waiting to shift to DevOps despite so many advantages? The answer is the cost required to be incurred. DevOps requires restructuring of the organisation along with hiring of more efficient and skilled staff and reassigning the accountability. Many organisations are not ready to take up this cost and take a back step in setting up.

DevOps Growth Trends:

If a sector and a new mechanism do not have scope of growth then it’s of minimal importance. The market of DevOps crossed the market of 8 billion USD in 2022 and witnessed a growth of a phenomenal CAGR OF 19.7% and is estimated to reach 10.4 Billion by 2023 and 25.5 Billion by 2028.

According to a survey conducted by RadixWeb, 99% of organisations found that DevOps improved their overall productivity and deliverable efficiency. Additionally, 78% found that they learned new skills because of DevOps and 48% found a higher payoff as compared to peers. 

The market size of DevOps makes it a future of IT Operations and will be highlighted as one of the prominent markets by 2028.

In the era of cyber crimes and cyber security, DevOps is coming up with DevSecOps which will ensure security along with development and operations. This development under the system ensures a higher adoption rate and lower risks for the organisations.

Impact on Businesses:

Every new mechanism and system has a direct impact on the working of the business which can prove to be a double-edged sword for the businesses.

Additionally, DevOps is a development and operational activity which directly affects the working of the organisation. Firstly, it can directly impact the pricing policy of the organisation since efficient software development will result in a reduction in overall cost and lower development expenditure which is incurred by the traditional method. This gives a strategic performance to the business along with higher efficiency in operations.

Subsequently, efficient and strategic performance will help organisation units earn more profits as compared to other organisations. This provides businesses with better expansion prospects and growth opportunities in the market. 

Whereas, DevOps may lead to higher costs for organisations and more maintenance charges since it is not easy for all organisations to maintain legacy systems under DevOps and restructure their organisation accordingly.


A well-defined system is necessary to assure success and reliability in the expanding Information Technology sector and the demand for software development, and DevOps plays a critical role in that regard. DevOps is a system which focuses on making the lives of software developers easier and ensuring a hefty amount of success in technology. What does everyone want in the 21st century? The simple answer is success and profit and the gateway for this need is DevOps. 

DevOps is not completely established as of now, this is more positive than negative as there is much more scope for its advancement and growth. With a drastically changing technological sector, this practice proves as a blessing in disguise. In a nutshell, DevOps is an agile development practice which helps in better coordination, software development and software delivery for the developer organisations.
